Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Good Day Family! Well I will find out if I am transfered next weekend so I am sorry I cant deliver any news but stay tuned for next week! It is going good here in Houston, the weeks are flying by! I hit 6 months this friday and I am puzzled when it comes to thinking that.I got the burgers dad sent me last P-day and enjoyed them all week! It brings back so much memories and I am so thankful for that generous gift you gave me dad. I am grateful for all the support from you all at home. I read from an old conference ensign in the 80's a speaker talks about service, the speaker quotes President J. Reuben Clark Jr., the quote is great, "In the service of the Lord, it is not where you serve but how. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, one takes the place to which one is duly called, which place one neither seeks nor declines." Here are pictures from the temple attached to the email, with me and elder boyle as well as grilling some CAB's. Well Family, I appreciate the letter you sent me and the great love and words of encouragement you send me each week. I have felt your prayers every hour of every day. I have felt my heavenly father's love for me because I know this is his work and his glory. I am an instrument in his hands to do his will and never look back with regrets. The savior lives and his sacrifice is the greatest gift to us if we exercise faith in him to the end of our days. The book of mormon is the tool for us to know of how our eternal path is paved for us through being obedient to the laws and ordinaces of a restored gospel through a boy prophet Joseph Smith. This time in Houston is the best and I cherish it every moment. I am so blessed to know my family is forever and that you all are safe and are working to help others. Love everyone, everything, and every opportunity in your lives. Be safe my family, pray always and testify often of the savior and his gospel, it will bring you closer to him. Love always Your son, brother, grandson, and missionary

Well It was good to see my brother barbequeing, I can't recall ever seeing him cook like that in his pre- mission life. I am excited that he will reach his 6 month mark this week. Personally I feel like he has been gone FOREVER! I am counting down the days till I get to talk to him ! Woo hoo for Christmas!