Monday, February 22, 2010

Here is Elder Miller and his companion. I was so excited to read his emails the last two weeks, he has been so happy.I have felt that he seems comfortable in his role as a missionary and as an independant adult. I have enjoyed seeing some of his sense of humor through is last few letters. I think up until now he has been adjusting and I think this new area he is in is allowing him to blossom. I am so grateful for the members feeding my brother too, it made me so happy that they have members feeding them all month! I am so proud of him and am grateful for his example and strength. Oh and I also think it is hilarious to read about him getting pulled over AGAIN! and this time for LOITERING!?
Dear Mom,

I am doing great, things are really looking up here in this area which I am serving in. But we got a call from the Assistants last week saying that they are probably taking our car away at the end of the transfer. Which is kind of a weird idea because we cover two wards and the other ward is 5 miles from our apartment.We will see what happens, I really love my area, it has been a blessing to serve here. Elder H is doing really good, I have really enjoyed him the past two months and he is such a great kid. The baptism was amazing, we used the chapel because a lot of high schoolers came to it, and there was two musical numbers. N's family came and it was exciting to see them there and take in a new experience of a baptism.

I absolutely loved looking at the pictures of the babies, they are so big! I feel like I am missing out on a lot but I know that there is so much more time in the future for me to be a part of their lives.

This past week we have spent a lot of time finding, we need more people to teach and our areas have been tracted out so many times. They are considerably small areas too, but still we are still trying to find people because it shows that we are diligent in finding the prepared ones. Yeah about god talking to prophets, he spoke to adam in the garden and gave him instruction. He also taught moses as well and I would have you look up in the bible dictionary about prophets or dispensation. It is interesting how crucial a prophet has been in the history of mankind. I have not receieved my priesthood lineage at all! I am pretty frustrated because it has been months, but I will figure it out, I will email back.

But anyhow, I am blessed mom to have a great family back at home and to know you are immersing yourself in the things we all should be doing. The scriptures are the words of god to us and never take them for granted. I am blessed to serve a mission and to be on the lord's errand. I testify to you and to all that might read this that Jesus christ is the savior and our redeemer and that we should be the example to others so that they might know of him. I love you mom so very much and I thank you for all the time and money you have spent helping me become who I am today.

Love Always
Your son
Elder Loren James Miller


Dear Family,
What an exciting email that I am replying to, a lot of big things are happening in our families. It did not snow here, I really cant wait for the sun to shine more here though. Well I really am so happy about that Valentines day package, it was very creative and I will find a night when we have time to make it. The next month and a half we have dinner with a member every night so it will be probably a lunch thing. But seriously thank you so much for the package and I will definately enjoy it.

I hit 9 months on saturday and boy it is going by so fast, you are absolutely right about that dad, those who are not totally invested or lost in the work will have a slow time. It is all about the attitude and testimony you have of christ that makes you want to keep going and do everything the right way. My companion and I get along great.

So I got pulled over last thursday night, it was weird, we had a dinner appointment and we parked across the street from the house. We got done with dinner and we went out to our car and we sat in the car and listened to a voicemail. After we got done we drove up the street and I stopped and then I drove more and forgot to turn on a street so the street I was currently on turned into a culdasac. We did a turn around in the culdasac and saw that those cop lights were flashing me and so I parked. The cop came up to me and asked me if I was lost and I told him that I am a little bit newer to the area. He told me that I looked suspicious and that I was loitering the neighborhood and didnt not completely stop at a stop sign. He saw my drivers license and told me about how he is only giving me a warning. He told me that he was just trying to protect the neighborhood and that he doesnt want us to go driving around like we are suspicious. I told him "sir, we are on the Lord's errand, we do not waste his time". He then kind of got a little humbled and said have a good evening. I might have been out of line on my comment to him but he was a little bit ridiculous about the loitering thing being that I wasnt speeding or runnning into things and that I am a missionary from our church. But oh well, thats how bad it is in the world, not a lot of people know that Christs church is on the earth and that he has young men serving him.

We are doing pretty good, N's baptism is this saturday and I am so excited and he is just golden and ready to be baptized. I love the area I am in because of the great members who are helping us out so much, the other night a member gave us 80 dollars worth of groceries, and so we didnt have to go grocery shopping today! YAY! The work is moving forward and the members are the reason for that.

Thank you mom and dad and lexie and emily for all that you have done, I love you all so much! I am so grateful that you are all happy and doing the best you can and are doing it the right way. Thanks for helping me get on a mission and doing what I NEED to be doing, this is the best experience I have ever had. I love you all and testify to you that god lives and that his son is the redeemer and that we need to all come unto him to recieve the blessings that are there for us if we do so. I love you all so much and always be on the lords side.

Love always
Elder Loren J. Miller

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It was great to see Loren be so upbeat in these letters. He seems very happy in his new area. I am grateful for the people in his area feeding him and enjoying him. I can tell he is enjoying his work and the people he serves.
Dear Mom and Dad!
Well we are doing some great work here, we worked really hard this past week. We are seeing our hard work pay off and we had someone come to church and want to be taught the lessons! It was sweet, but we will see how it goes, the lord sends his prepared people to his prepared servants.

So I gave a talk in one of the wards I serve in, it is a good area and good people but the ward hasn't had a baptism in almost two years. The ward is trying to improve and to be more missionary focused and thats what my talk was about. I didnt look at my paper once to read it, it was all looking at the congregation. It was a great talk because I didn't just stand up there and read my talk but I really wanted to get the message across that anyone can do missionary work. The wards here are pretty good wards but the other ward that I serve in is a dream. The ward is all about missionary work and they do anything to help people be baptized. It is my favorite ward, it is so much fun and so much opportunities here. All the families are really great to be around. There is an old hispanic lady that will feed us any day of the week and she calls us babies, and she is this little grandma lady that is fiesty hahah. There are families that gave us a bunch of groceries when we stop by and it was cool because last week this one member gave me three boxes of cinammon toast crunch. Then gave us 8 boxes of macaroni and cheese! We really dont have to go get a whole lot from the store this week which is always great!

Well when people ask me the basic questions, I say I have been out for almost 9 months and I am from Boise, Idaho because I basically grew up there. I like to say boise because of Boise State football haha. I am trying my hardest to get the pictures thing taken care of, I am not a good photographer, I am just so busy to take pictures. Missionary work takes a lot of time!

Well I had interviews last week with president, we have them once a transfer, this transfer is over after this week.I think Elder H and I might be staying together for one more but who knows. President was very excited and happy about me, he was quite impressed! I am just happy that I am not a burden for him to deal with.
Well mom and dad and lexie and whoever reads this, I love you all so very much and I tell you with my heart that god lives and his restoration is powerful. The savior loves us all so much if we would love and have faith in him we can do anything possible. I love my mission, it means everything to me! I am working hard! Thanks for the support and everything that you have helped me accomplish! I wouldn't be here without you! I testify that the atonement is real and that we can come clean through it. The book of mormon changes lives, it is so powerful, never take it for granted! I love you all so much. Be safe and loving.

Sincerely your missionary
Elder Loren James Miller

January 25th, 2010
Hey everyone!
I am great! R from my last area got baptized yesterday! YAY! I got permission to go to it and even president and sister H were there. I am so happy for R and his path that he is on! Other than that everything is going so good, I am definately changing and growing up and helping others come unto Christ.
So I got your package today and I absolutely loved everything! Thank you so much for everything, I am truly grateful for that package and we will enjoy it! We are working hard and working extra diligently because our calling is so important. It is really about obedience mom and dad, it all comes down to whos side are you on? the lords side or the other side, there is no middle ground. I have been the happiest by my committment to the mission rules and the commandments. But I am converted to the work, this is a great work and important work. I am dealing with people's eternities, nothing else should matter than the missionary work. I have been working my heart out to help everyone. I have been carried by the spirit in many ways. But the principle of obedience has kept me safe since I was younger, I owe you mom and dad for that christlike attribute.
In Preach My gospel, I have been studying the christlike attributes in chapter 6 and have really improved a lot. PMG is the greatest!
Oh yeah I got pulled over for speeding in a school zone? Which there was no school zone sign for a mile away when the cop pulled me over. There was no schools beside a church thing. It was weird, But the lord provided a way and I got just a warning. I am so happy to got away with that. Mom and dad and family I love you so so much and I am grateful that you are supporting me on this journey of rescuing others that are children of god. Heavenly father has poured out so much blessings on our family its incredible. Always remain humble and diligent in prayer. Studying the book of mormon has changed my life and my mission. I am more mature and more obedient and I do all I can to be on the Lord's Side. The love I have for the savior and his atonement makes me work harder and want to share it with others. I love you and know that you are all safe, remember the quote by Bruce R. Mcconkie that I gave you in my christmas box. I am truly called of god and separated from the world to do his work. This is amazing and I dont want it to end. Keep doing the best you can my family.

Love always
Elder Loren James Miller

January 18th,2010
Dear Family!
Everything is doing A okay here in Spring, Texas, and I am working hard and teaching more and more each week. We are working with a few great investigators and the ward is amazing! It is getting humid, and it is getting hotter, just last week it was freezing! Now I can feel that Texas Heat coming on!
Mom and dad it is all about obedience and keeping my eyes single to the work and nothing else. This morning I read notes from my setting a part as a missionary from president M and I see many of those blessings being fulfilled and it is a testimony to me of the power of the priesthood.

Last week we taught a lady who was a referral from a member and she is going through a tough time and she is currently going through her 4th divorce and has three kids. We taught her about the atonement and the significance of her not being alone and that there is a way back home to heavenly father. It was such a powerful experience and I know that she will progress in the gospel because she has a desire to know if the church is true or not. I can promise you this mom and dad that the teaching of the atonement is a powerful thing and that most of my testimony came from my study of the book of mormon.
The creation is a simple subject I believe that gets too intense if it goes into deep doctrine. I am happy for the new manual because it is so key to know our foundation and what we believe. I dont really need anything, I just need your prayers for this work and I will be happy.
Well my family I testify to you that this gospel brings power to the redeemer, which is christ. It changes us to something we are supposed to be and improves the better to the best. If we diligently study the doctrine and use our faith to ask for guidance our lives will improve tremendously. I am loving my mission and I am learning the lessons I need to be the best. Never forget what the savior did for us and for the blessings our family has recieved. I am safe and sound, The work is going up and I am rolling on. I love you and miss you!

Love always
Elder Miller