Monday, April 26, 2010

Well, It makes me so happy inside to read my brothers last few letters, because he is so happy! He is doing awesome and he is making a difference in people lives, and I can tell people are enjoying him. I really enjoyed the story of him talking to the man in his driveway in the April 26th letter.He sure has guts! Cant wait to read about what happens to him this week in his next letter. And I am really looking forward to Mothers Day when he will call home.
April 5th,
Dear Family,
Well it is gettin humid here in Spring, Texas. Conference is done, it was a suprising conference because of the reoccuring theme of the importance of teaching the gospel in the home. I got the easter stuff in the mail! I love the CD, it is perfect! We had a hard week of tracting and walking, we are working hard to find some investigators. Elder M and I are getting along great, he is a very seasoned missionary but he isnt lazy or trunky.
I can't believe I am almost 20 years old and I remember when I turned 12 and thinking how old I was then. But wow, 20 is a big number out of the teens and into young adult hood. I am very happy for the 20 years I have lived through, it has been a joy to grow up in the places where we lived and be around the people we were around.
Conferene was pretty powerful especially, Elder Neil L. Andersens talk and also Elder Holland did it again. Conference flew by way fast and I think it will be interesting to read them again next month and see what I missed. So in between sessions on sunday we had lunch with the Deaf Branch in our stake/zone. They had a group of like 8 deaf members and the two ASL missionaries and the Branch president and his wife. It was a lot of fun, I am learning sign language pretty good with the exposure to the ASL program. I love the k ward and I love the area. The members are very strong and active in this area, probably because we are so close to the temple. But yeah, I am turning into a gardener because of all the gardening experience on the temple grounds, its really fun service to do.

So the other day at ward coordination in windrose, our ward mission leader who has gone from unsure to solid in his attitude of his calling, he has came along way. He used to be very doubtful with his calling and now he has completely changed into someone who wants missionary work to be done the right way. at the end of coordination, he showed us the mormon message off of, called HE LIVES! its a 2 minute movie that is powerful. I actually cried at the end because of the spiritual power it has, I would encourage you to send that movie clip to all those who need that little extra push to help them have a better day. The ward mission leader was in tears and couldnt even speak, he has a very strong testimony of the savior jesus christ.

Well mom and dad and family, I love you all very much and I hope that you have a great week, remember to be patient and diligent and remember the savior. I am having a blast on my mission, I am doing all I can to get the most out of my journey of bringing souls unto the lord.

Be safe and pray always

Love Elder Loren James Miller

April 12th-
Dear Family,

Well this week has been really great! We have a lot of potentials that we are trying to put into position of investigating. The weather was great! We are working really hard to improve the area and are putting together some programs with the wards to improve missionary work.

The work is kind of slow, but missionary work comes in cycles, for like 6 months there will be a lot of progress, then when those investigators get baptized, the work is in reloading mode of finding and member work. K and A are doing really good, keona didnt make it to church because of work:( but its been hard to get an appointment with them. We are going to call them and set something up. They are great young women, they are both strong and are developing great relationships with the ward. They have a date for may 1st, we got a few things to teach them, but we are working hard to do the best we can to prepare them! We tract a lot and actually found an investigator who we are teaching again on wednesday, we will see how it goes. I forgot to tell you that in one of my wards, a second quorum of the seventy member has his home in our ward. He lives in Brazil on assignment but he raised all of his kids in our area. He came and spoke at stake priesthood meeting two sundays ago, and he came to the kleinwood ward meetings as well. I met him and shook his hand! Well anyway we ate dinner at his house yesterday with his wife and one of his sons and his family that is staying at the house. It was really cool to talk to them about their calling in Brazil and telling us stories about traveling around and doing work for the lord.

Well, my big 20th birthday is happening this friday and I am honestly excited and cant wait but still it will be weird. I am fine with it, Houston is my home for right now, and yeah I was really bored at SNOW on my birthday. I will try and send some pictures in the next week or two because we take pictures at the temple mostly and I will send those in a few weeks okay? Thank you for sending the package, I cant wait to get it, we are going today to the mall and getting some new pants and socks, and a new white long sleeve shirt. Thank you mom and dad for all the support!
Well mom and dad thanks for the 20 years, there are so much more ahead! 11 months are down and 13 left! man time is flying by when your having the time of your life. take advantage of the gospel and study, work, pray, and ponder what you know and what you need to know. I know the savior lives and that each of us has a divine calling in this life to be the person heavenly father needs us to be. I love my heavenly father and the redeemer, I know that the book of mormon is the word of god, I have found joy in my journey from the witness of jesus christ it proclaims. I hope all is well, never forget what you know and what you can do for others. Be safe, I love you all!

Elder Loren James Miller

April 26th-
Dear Family!

Well this week was probably one of the most explosive weeks in my mission. The work is booming in our area because of all the hard work and tracting we put in. We have 4 people with baptismal dates at the end of the week, also we received 6 member referrals from the K ward council. We had a guy show up to church with his less active girlfriend who wants to investigate and change his life and he is solid. We got two new investigators and taught the standard 20 lessons that we are suppose to teach week. The work is just going so well and I owe it all to my heavenly father for the blessings of this gospel. We are getting members excited, we are having fun, and we are sweating out the days. It is getting pretty hot but its all good when we are teaching like crazy. Elder M and I are doing so good in this area, we definately have heavens help.
We had interviews this past week and it was pretty good, mine was a really long one, and President was very helpful. I have a great love for President H, I dont know if I would still be out here if it wasnt for his counsel and instruction over the past 11 months. He told me how much I have changed and how I am completely different missionary. He says that I have a lot of good leadership skills and that my companion said a lot of good things about me. I definately believe that there is a purpose for President H being my mission president, he is called of god and we fit right together. This week is transfer announcements, honestly I have no idea what is going to happen. Either I stay in a great area and be the last companion to elder M before he goes home or I go somewhere else where the lord needs me.

So we were tracting the other day and we walk up the sidewalk with a RM who was helping us. And we see an old guy reading a book and we talked to him and invited him to learn and he started off talking to us about what Mitt romney said in a debate. He was talking about Mitt romney saying that mormons are christians and how that ruined his presidential campaign. Then he just went off on us, saying how we are trying to be like the rest of the churches and trying to compete with other churches for attention. . Then he got on the topic about how we are wishy washy type of religion, because of the blacks and the priesthood thing. Then the spirit helped me put an end to it. I said exscuse me sir, can I say something, the whole conversation stops. Then I said to him " Sir, I cant feel the spirit being here in your driveway, if you dont mind I am going to move on". So I walked away down the driveway and my companion and the RM were shocked. Family, I have to say when there is a lot of good there is a lot of opposition. People dont like us and dont believe we are christians. It is shocking, but it is definately a sign of an apostasy actually occuring in the history of time.

We got news that K and A want there baptism to be on the 8th of May not may 1st. It is all good with me as long as they are baptized and recieve the holy ghost. J is going to get baptized may 22, but he didnt come to church yesterday so we will have to see.
This week was amazing and now this next week we will put our shoulder to the wheel and find more people to teach. Thanks family for all that you do, I love you and miss you so much. Be safe and read the book of mormon, it is the great harvesting tool for us. I am so happy where I am and I am excited to be the person I am today. But I know I am not perfect, I must always be improving and work towards being a better servant because the gospel helps be the person that Heavenly father has designed for us to be. I will keep you all in my prayers! Thanks for everything! Love always!

Love your missionary

Elder Loren James Miller