Monday, January 11, 2010

Loren and one of his fellow Elders
Some gifts from friends and family

Loren at the Chiropractor

Loren's little tree

So cute!

Toys for a service project

Some missionaries from the area

So christmas has come and gone and we got to talk to Elder Miller. We got a nice long talk with him, all of us got some time and he sounded really good. He seemed anxious to move into his area which was supposed to happen a couple days after christmas. He had been in the same area for about 7 months- which was forever! Although I was excited to talk to him. I could have done without the chat with him. It was like opening an old wound for me. Because i really miss him.

Here are his last few letters.
Jan. 4th
Dear Family,

Well, whats next? haha Everything is changing! I am not shocked by emily's move. I know it is tough for you . I mean look at the fruits of that change, things are going to go great for them. I feel like every month of my mission things just change at home so I am kind of used to it!
Well transferring to this new area is a blessing! oh man, it is a dream! The wards I am serving in are amazing, they love missionaries and they are so into missionary work its crazy. We have two solid investigators that are both in high school! one is getting baptized in june and she bore her testimony yesterday and I was blown away, it was all because her friend took her to church and the ward really embraced her. The other investigator is dating a girl who is in the ward, he will get baptized soon, that ward is a dream to be in. I love my new compnanion elder h, he is full of energy and is excited, we fit together perfectly. He is really obedient and really likes to do his best and not waste this missionary experience.

So the transfer has been a blessing to me for the hard work and endurance in my last area. i am trying to lose weight! I am in an all car area, and I drive a 2010 toyota corrolla, with only 1500 miles on it! it is so much fun here in this area, it is so active and so pro active and upbeat. Also the boise state game is tonight and everyone in the mission even members are like telling me how exciting it is going to be! It is tough! root for the broncos for me! go orange and blue.

A wise missionary that I am friends with out here who is going home soon said this about god, "Without commandments we can not know god". God is not an author of confusion, Jospeh smith knew that and he prayed to know what is true and who god is. God is an exalted man, we have the opportunity to become like him, the way is through christ. Mom and dad I love you and I thank you for everything you do for me, I am blessed to know that you are there being active and doing all you can to help me. I love you and I testify to you that Jesus is the christ, that his atonement helps us go back, to be back at one with the father. Never think of repentance as a horrible thing it is a gift from god. Pleas mom and dad continue to read the book of mormon together, and it will help you with all your daily needs and adversity. I love you all so very very much! Please be safe!

Love always
Elder Loren James Miller

Good day family!

Well I got some pretty good news, I am getting transferred, to a new area in a new zone. My area borders the Temple. It is so cool! My new companion is Elder H, I am moving to the new area on wednesday because it is tranfer day. I don't know anything about Elder H, but I will tell you next week.

It was certainly a crazy experience to talk to you all on the phone on Christmas. I felt like i was breaking the rules at the beginning because everyday you just want to call family and tell them how things are going but you cant so I am use to that. It is great to know how all of you are doing and to hear your voices! I felt so bad about Rainy, it broke my heart, to hear her cry and not be able to talk to her more and more. But it is fine, in 4 1/2 months I will talk to her. I miss her so much, and stellar too, I wish I could be there to see how they are doing and to see them grow up.
The other christmas gifts are so great, I really am happy that I got all those great gifts, I am writing thank you cards today mom, haha don't worry! To hear from dad about him giving a book of mormon away, is so touching to me. He is spreading truth and eternal knowledge to those people, not just a book. He is such a great example to me, I love you dad, you are doing wonders and I am grateful that you sent me pictures of the Utes. The book of mormon reading is great mom, I carry a pocket size book of mormon now, I use it for teaching sometimes plus it helps with my back, haha instead of carrying my quad.

I loved the calendar you made me, it was just what I needed and I am grateful to talk to Josh as well on Christmas. I miss Josh a lot after that conversation we had, but I know he is doing good. Well yesterday we had an appointment with a family that spanish elders found, we taught them on their door step, just the father and son, then the mom came out and listened to us and she broke down in tears. Then they let us in to teach them more and read from the book of mormon. This family was listening to us bear our testimony of the gospel and the book of mormon being a comforting tool. We taught them about praying together as a family to recieve guidance and comfort from Heavenly father. The spirit was really present, oh man, it was crazy, the mom was in tears the whole time. Earlier that week, her son who is 16 i think had a seizure and the whole family is just stressed out. She asked us why all these bad things are happening, I read the scripture to her ether 12:27 then I read to her about christ suffered everything and he knows what we are going through because I read to her alma 7:11-12. This family wants to know more and more and is ready to change. They understand how are church holds the whole truth because it was restored through a prophet from christ himself. The book of mormon does miracles, it answers deep questions of the soul, it is here for our day and for the rest of eternity. Never take it for granted, it is the most powerful tool for conversion and I testify that it is true, I know that it has helped me be the best missionary I can be. I love my mission and I am excited for the new change, I am ready to do it, to lengthen my stride even more. I am blessed to know that I have a loving family at home who loves me and supports me. This mission would not be possible without you all, thank you for taking me to church and dad thank you for taking me to young mens when I was younger than 12, it taught me about being mature and learning. Dad your my best friend and mom I love you so much for your testimony. Lexie, read the book of mormon first before playing Wii, your lucky, dont forget your household chores and your school work. Emily and family, stay strong and you will be all good. I will have more to write about next week when I am in a new area! I love you and miss you, I serve with our family name on my chest just above the redeemers name, jesus christ.

Love always
Elder Loren James Miller

Good Day!

Hey family, im so excited to call you this week!! Well I am also a little impatient! But it will be a great day to hear your voices! It has been good here, I am ready for a change though. I pinched a nerve in my lower back at the service activity last friday, I went to a chiropractor the other day, and today I am going there. It has been tough because I can't really tie my shoes without help or ride a bike that well.

But yeah, The transfer call will be coming this saturday night, I am really praying and feeling like I am going to get trasnferred. I need a refresh! R will probably be baptized january 3, which is great! We have been working with him for the past few months, he has a little bit of cold feet because he feels like he doesnt know enough, but you dont need to know everything to be a member of the church, if you knew everything than whats the point of church? But he is great!

It was great to get packages. I definately feel special with those gifts. I am so grateful for the love I recieve from the people that know me the best, I have felt very blessed the past 7 months. I have learned that to be blessed and happy, I must be obedient with exactness, that means I must follow the rules of the mission. I am going to call probably at 7 my time, but 6 o clock your time. We are using our cell phones so after 7 o clock its free, so that is why I am calling at that time. I have one hour to talk, that is the rule, I want to be obedient, I want to be on the lord's side, and a little disobedience can take me off his side. So lets make the best of it. If I hear a rule change or anything else, please stay alert by your phones during the day in case I can call from a members phone earlier in the day. I want to talk to you all that are there, but first and foremost, you mom and dad and my sisters. Also my niece and nephew and brother in law. Maybe I can bear my testimony on speaker phone to those that are there and tell them how much I love them. But please don't worry about the phone call, it will happen, just stay posted, most likely it will be after 3 pm, no later than 7 your time.

I love you all so very much and I am excited for the friday phone call, It is the gift I seek the most this christmas, the voices from all of you. I testify that christ's gospel is back, it has been restored by the foreordained prophet Joseph Smith Jr. and that our family is eternal. Read the book of mormon, it is the word of god, nourish it and pray for the knowledge and guidance from it to fill your hearts with love from him. Please stay safe and remember what christmas is all about!

cant wait for the call!

"...I want my phone call"
-joker(dark knight)

Love always
Elder Loren James Miller

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